
Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial spirit, spirit of enterprise

The Musik kreativ+ project “Promoting Creativity and Entrepreneurship by Means of
Music, Performance and Cultural Cooperation” aims to provide teachers with tools to encourage students to develop skills allowing to create and to undertake in team.

For Musik kreativ+ developing entrepreneurship is to develop the spirit of undertaking with your classmates by enriching yourself with the meeting of all the partners on the national and European level. often there are existing twinnings or partnerships between schools from different countries. So one can transfer the spirit of the  Musik kreativ+ team on a lower level to school situation.

The enterprise image has evolved in recent decades. Traditionally only engaged in the development of lucrative and commercial activities, the company is now also an organization, an association which creates not a financial profit but a profit from the creation of activities of the solidarity or humanitarian economy. We are seeing the development of social entrepreneurship. A company or enterprise is not any longer a business enterprise but can be a not-for-profit too (Douba 2002).

If Musik kreativ+ promotes entrepreneurship, the profits targeted are entirely non-financial.

Entrepreneurship definition

Adventure and risk appetite
What characterizes the entrepreneurship is above all the thirst for creation, invention and innovation, a taste for risk and adventure.
To undertake is to imagine, design and carry out a project, a challenge, identify issues.

Individual and collective

The concept of entrepreneurship is based on the human, the individual and the group.
To have an enterprise mind is to initiate and develop a team project, which involves listening to and respecting others, taking initiatives, collaboration, co-construction and collective valuation (Rouillan 2011). It is essential to learn how to share roles and tasks, to learn how to work as a team to achieve a common goal.

Horizontal and vertical

If the notions of verticality and horizontality are present in the field of music
(harmony and counterpoint), they are also in the spirit of
entrepreneurship., they are also in entrepreneurship. Developing autonomy and cooperation involves weaving a framework between individualism and collectivism, not in a vertical way, which would imply the establishment of a hierarchy, inequalities and a spirit of competitiveness, but in a horizontal way to promote equality , respect, openness to others, integration, cooperation, sharing (Dambrun & Darnon 2009).
If there is verticality, this is understood in the sense of allowing each other the space for their individual freedom to express, explore and experiment.
The question of the leader also arises. Throughout the project, the pupils became aware of the importance of trusting a leader, one of their own who could federate, organize and lead the team, not by authoritatively imposing what would not be beneficial at the creation but as holding the rudder of a boat for which each one row to advance in a common direction.

Entrepreneurship as a teaching principle

The project’s approach is to teach by listening to everyone and to pursue collective aims. Knowing how to set up a project and work as a team means knowing how to make propositions, agreeing with others to make collective choices, being autonomous, having confidence in oneself and establishing a relationship of trust with others. With regard to the collective goal, accept any difficulties and pitfalls and bounce back to move forward (Fayolle 2011), be persistent and benevolent. Some educational principles are also concepts that can be found in the economic world: performance requirements in which everyone feels involved, the development of a method (involving evaluation, reports, meetings, etc.) to achieve this result (Pepin 2011). These elements have nourished and allowed the project to grow.

Further Meaning of Entrepreneurship and Musik kreativ+

The Musik kreativ+ project allowed us to imagine and conceive a diversity of actions and achievements based on cross-disciplinary, inter- and multidisciplinary developments Which include advertisiing and marketing for example of a public presentation as well : posters, press releases, Radio interviews, photo reports, travel journals, costume choices, team name, interviews with professional musicians, films, poems, presentation texts, instrument constructions, shadow theater, choreography designs, scenography, …


  • Douba, G. (2002). L’entrepreneuriat : de l’esprit d’entreprise à l’esprit d’entreprendre… Cahier de recherche 02-67. p. 4 – 5. Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. Available on http://archives.auf.org/55/1/02-67.pdf
  • Fayolle, A. (2010). Développer l’esprit d’entreprendre au sein du système éducatif , p. 15-17 actes du colloque du 07-12-2010 entreprendre pdf, Hors série mars 2011 série L’enseignement technique Développer l’esprit d’entreprendre chez les jeunes p. 14 – 21. AFDET (Association française pour le développement de l’enseignement technique). Available on www.afdet.org
  • Rouillan, S. (2010). Quelles sont les compétences liées à la créativité ?, p. 19-21
    actes du colloque du 07-12-2010 entreprendre pdf, Hors série mars 2011 série L’enseignement technique Développer l’esprit d’entreprendre chez les jeunes p. 14 – 21. AFDET (Association française pour le développement de l’enseignement technique). Available on www.afdet.org
  • Schlienger, P. (2016). Actes du colloque Education, enseignement, pratiques artistiques, et la musique dans tout ça ?, p.18 – Plateforme MVA-FSMA, 26 avril 2016 Maison de la Région à Strasbourg. Available on http://www.fsma.com/actes-du-colloque.html
  • Dambrun, M. et Darnon, C. (2009). Individualisme et collectivisme dans les pratiques éducatives : le ying et le yang ? Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, Laboratoire de psychologie sociale et cognitive, CNRS. Diversité, n°157, p. 60 (06/2009)
    Available on http://www.educ-revues.fr/DVST/AffichageDocument.aspx?iddoc=39216
  • Pepin, M. (2011). L’entrepreneuriat en milieu scolaire : de quoi s’agit-il? McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill, vol. 46, n° 2, 2011, p. 303-326. Available on http://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1006441ar

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