Entrepreneurship in the classroom

This module, which has been designed from a musical viewpoint, covers a diverse variety of activities and achievements based on inter- and multidisciplinary cross functional development, relating to school programs and projects: posters, press releases, radio interviews, photo reportage, travel journals, costume choice, looking for a team name, interviewing professional musicians, movies, writing poetry, presentations, constructing instruments and elements for shadow theatre, etc … All stages, from concept to completion, are carried out by the participants. All parameters are identified and taken into account, from the organisation of travel to the international meetings or for the preparation of the performance and communications for the event.

Stimulating creativity, making people want to dare, to invent, to experiment, also gives form to an entrepreneurial appetite. By developing cross functionality in the fields of creation and education, as well as by establishing a cross functional organisation, (as opposed to a pyramidal organisation), the class group becomes a team that operates in some ways like a company, where each student can find his or her place and role, and each can develop their skills and put them into the service of the design group, by the end of the joint project.