
You can download the concepts in English, German and every partner’s national language: Download (PDF)

Germany: Creative music production inspired by the features of African music & Contemporary music

With regard to the promotion of musical creativity, the German team´s topic is creative music production inspired by the principles of African music. Some main features and principles were extracted from a vast variety of African musical cultures… (Read on)

France: Collective musical cre-action inspired by contemporary music and Japanese poetry

The project focuses on creativity and entrepreneurship through collective “cre-action”: the conceptualization and realization of a finished musical production starting from a simple sound object. The sound objects are based on short Japanese poems, called “Haikus”. Using a sparsity of words, they express a variety of emotions. (Read on)

Czech Republic: To Music-folklore Roots. Regional Peculiarities of Folk Music (Rhythm – Melody – Harmony)

The topic of the Czech team is based on the national music folklore heritage. The folklore song fund in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia is traditionally the basic methodical source of the Czech institutionalized music education. The variety of songs regional types, their peculiarities in the field of rhythm, melody and harmony enable to stimulate different sides of pupil’s/student’s personality, including music creativity. To promote creative activities in this area, the selected music features of individual songs might help or the function of the song, principles of traditional folk…(Read on)

Hungary: Creative music production inspired by ensemble work of a classical string quartet

Music activity, especially chamber music, always provides more joy than simply listening to music. This is the reason why concert pedagogy is a part of school music teaching. This part of the program aims to develop students’ creativity and entrepreneurship through the work of a string quartet… (Read on)