musikkreativ+ includes 12 partners from four countries (France, Germany, Czech Republic and Hungary). Every country builds up collaboration between university, school and a cultural partner (ensemble). Every university is an artistic-pedagogical institution of teaching and research focused on education and advanced education of future teachers. The cultural partners profile through immense artistically experience and reputation. Schools participate by long-term know-how in teaching practice and include heterogeneous groups of pupils from primary school to chosen scholarship holders of international A-levels.
The Project ran from September 2014 – August 2017. musikkreativ+ was supported by the EU-Erasmus+ program and was continuously monitored and evaluated with the aid of an action research strategy in cooperation with the project partners. Evaluation included e.g. course participants evaluating the courses they took part in.
The coordinating institution “University of Education Freiburg” in Germany is a university specializing in the subject of education and pedagogy, and is charged with research and educational activities at the highest academic levels. It has substantial experience of adult education, teaching music and research in music education. Various departments are involved in international research networks.
Participant Partners
- Music Department & Department for music cultures in dialogue , University of education, Freiburg (Coordinator)
- ensemble recherche (Ensemble for contemporary music), Freiburg
- Friedrich Grammar School, Freiburg
- Université de Strasbourg, Centre de Formation de Musiciens Intervenants & ESPE, (University of Strasbourg,Training Centre for Musicians in Schools & School of Teaching and Education)
- Ensemble Hanatsu Miroir (Contemporary Music Ensemble), Strasbourg
- École élémentaire Quartier Ouest – École Wimpfeling (The West Side Primary School Sélestat – The New Wimpfeling Primary School), Sélestat
- Szegedi Tudományegyetem JGYPK Ének-zene Tanszék (University of Szeged
„Juhász Gyula” Faculty of Education Music Department) - Pulzus Quartet (String Quartet), Budapest
- Budapest III. Kerületi Krúdy Gyula Angol-Magyar Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános
Iskola (Krúdy Gyula Elementary School, Budapest III.)
Tschechische Republik:
- Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra hudební výchovy (Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Music Education), Brno
- Horňácká cimbálová muzika Petra Galečky (Cymbalom Music of Petr Galečka from Horňácko), Lipov
- Základní škola a mateřská škola J. Hlubíka (Primary school and Kindergarten of J. Hlubík), Lipov